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It has been a really exciting time at Stacklet these past couple of weeks!

On May 26th, 2021 we achieved a major startup milestone. We launched our first group of product offerings. With Stacklet Platform, AssetDB, and Policy Packs we are embarking on an adventure to help create a safer, more responsible cloud. Not only are we excited for this adventure, so are other people.

“Stacklet arguably shouldn’t exist,” Matt Asay at Tech Republic said because, as he went on to explain, “… one of the cloud providers probably should have built something similar first.” Picking up where public cloud providers have slacked off, Asay pointed out that Stacklet’s primary benefit is that we make it “straightforward to embrace a policy/governance as code model to provide real-time policy enforcement across all clouds via detection, notification, and remediation, using a simple, declarative language.”

As reported by Futuriom, FICO has already adopted Stacklet Platform to enable more streamlined management of their fleet of clouds, allowing developers to focus more on innovation. Naor Penso, senior director of product security at FICO, called governance as code a “strategic need for us [FICO]” because Stacklet makes it possible to employ “dynamic guardrail enforcement, defined by our organization.”

We also caught the attention of SDxCentral. Jessica Lyons Hardcastle emphasized Stacklet’s principle of governance as code since it makes more sense to use a “code-based solution to codify those best practices that meet your organization’s desired policies around cost or security or compliance or just good operations in the cloud.”

Similarly, The New Stack expanded on governance as code as a solution to managing compliance frameworks such as NIST, CSF, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and CIS Benchmarks — frameworks that often deter public cloud adoption. Mike Melanson also commented on how Stacklet can enable “real-time enforcement of security policies, controlling cost through right-sizing, garbage collection, and de-provisioning of unneeded cloud resources, and through the aforementioned tagging, logging, and backups.”

In addition to a mention in a couple of other outlets, we got some shoutouts on Twitter.

And if that wasn’t enough, we earned Tracxn’s “minicorn” distinction!

From more technical interviews with Kapil Thangavelu — who is both one of our co-founders and the lead maintainer of Cloud Custodian — to an amusing observation of open source from our VP of Business Development


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