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The integration of AWS Security Hub with Cloud Custodian makes cloud compliance a whole lot easier.

One of the greatest advantages of building with AWS is the seamless integration of a whole suite of services, resources, and tools. Need to retrieve metrics quickly for real-time data visualizations? You’ve got CloudWatch. Need somewhere to store an archive of logs? You’ve got S3.

Of course, with such a sprawling tapestry of integrations, you need a way to programmatically apply secrets and permissions across resources and accounts. This is where development can get a little tricky if you don’t prioritize sophisticated cloud management.

Ready to take your cloud security management to the next level? The AWS blog offers a clear and concise introduction to using Cloud Custodian with Security Hub.

With the Cloud Custodian and AWS Security Hub integration, you get the added benefit of a comprehensive view of your Cloud Custodian findings.

This post’s source content was written by David Filiatrault and was originally published on the AWS Open Source Blog.