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When Code42 decided to use a cloud multi-account strategy, the collaboration security company found itself struggling with its own compliance policies.

Sooner or later, an architect utters the words, “We are moving to the cloud.”

While services like AWS allow greater resource management flexibility, the industry-wide migration to the cloud also increases security risks.

(And opportunities for inquisitive engineers to spin up expensive resources, and leave the lights on when no one is home!)

This blog post from Code42 shares the problems Cloud Custodian helped them solve, as well as how they use our policy-as-code engine to make sure their cloud is consistently compliant with industry standards and best practices.

The source content of this post was written by Aakif Shaikh, Byron Enos, and Jim Razmus II, and appeared on the Code42 blog.


  • cloud-custodian
  • use-case